Showing posts with label confessions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label confessions. Show all posts

The one where I ruined my kids' summer.

Otherwise known as the summer I unintentionally got pregnant. Okay so my post title is a little dramatic, but that doesn't mean I don't feel that way a small bit! So in other words, we're having our 3rd baby next year!

Rewind to early this spring. I realized I might be pregnant around the time that I had started planning my kids' birthday parties early April. We were not trying to get pregnant because we've wanted to wait until we are in a bigger house. I had a positive pregnancy test and I was not happy about it. After a week I knew that it wasn't a viable pregnancy because I had zero symptoms and sure enough, I miscarried less than a week later. I was feeling incredibly guilty for being so relieved. It was unfortunate timing with the incident that happened at Ben's school and I probably reacted more irrationally than I otherwise would have because of what was going on. We pulled Ben out of his class with 6 weeks left in school and put him in a new class. I'm pretty sure some people thought we were crazy, but blame it on hormones or whatever, we still think it was the right decision. Anyway.

So imagine my surprise in June when AGAIN I just knew I was pregnant. I didn't tell John right away because we had a big wedding coming up in a couple of days and we needed to focus. So on Sunday, June 17, I took a pregnancy test early in the morning and gave it to him, you know, as a Father's Day present. :) He was so confused because he was so tired! We were both much more prepared for it this time around. But we weren't trying to get pregnant... I think someone else had plans on when we needed to have another kid...

After going to the doctor and hearing the heart beat I'm a lot more relieved about this pregnancy. And the fact that I've been so much more sick than I ever remember being with Ben or Shelby. I eat, I get sick, I don't eat, I get sick, I think about food, I get sick. ESPECIALLY sugar! It totally sucks!! And I've been completely, insanely exhausted all. the. time. I hate it! I'm about 13 weeks now and hoping I feel better soon!

In a way I do feel like I ruined Ben's summer, Shelby is still a little too small to understand. But I had all of these great plans for what we were going to do and that lasted about two weeks into being pregnant and my energy level went to ZERO. So I'm doing my best to buck up and finish out the summer on a good note, taking them to the park more, swimming more, letting Ben play more Wii, that kind of stuff. It's definitely not the summer I was hoping we'd have, but Ben doesn't seem to be too bothered by it at least! And he's so excited to have another sibling, especially with the two new cousins he got this summer.

Ben has been a great helper this past week helping me clean the entire house! The cleanness suffered a little over the weekend, but it's a start at least. We're hoping to pick a realtor in the next couple of weeks so we can actually sell since having it for sale by owner hasn't been that successful (4 showings, no offers). You can see our Zillow listing here. I need to add more pictures of the outside and of the other things around the property, but if you know anyone looking let me know!

Anyway, my due date is Valentine's Day and we are excited about having another baby in our family! Especially if he/she is as awesome as our first two. :)


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