Friday Randomness
I've been a bad, bad blogger! Mostly this is for me anyway, to check back at my kids' milestones and things like that. Random stories I remember to post. So I should be better about documenting these things but I'm not! I'll get around to it some day. For now, here's some Friday randomness for you!
1. I was recently release from YW. I WAS SO SAD!! I love love love those girls. I will miss getting to spend time with them twice a week, but I will definitely keep tabs on them. My new calling is the Relief Society Meeting Coordinator (ie Enrichment Leader). I'm really excited about it, and sitting in Relief Society on Sundays again after almost 3 years was actually quite refreshing. We have wonderful RS teachers so I'm happy that I get to be in again.
2. On that note, we have ONE Sunday left before Shelby goes to nursery. Can you believe it? This weekend is conference, then the next Sunday is a regular church day, then the week after that she'll be 18 months! Time has flown by faster with her than I remember if going with Ben.
3. Ben is completely loving school. He recently got Student of the Week and I was so proud of him. His teacher picks one student every few weeks to get the title and there's a yard sign they get to take home (Ben was very annoyed by the fact that we don't have a yard). His teacher says he's always good, is really nice to all the kids in his class and is super helpful. Ben can be pretty moody sometimes and gets really emotional when he's upset so I'm really proud of him for keeping it together at school all day every day. He is exhausted by the end of the day so we try really hard to make sure things are pretty laid back and consistent in the evenings.
4. I'm pretty sure Shelby is going through a growth spurt because all of a sudden her shirts are too short and her capri pants look like bermuda shorts. Don't even ask me about Fall clothes because she has maybe 3 long sleeved shirts and ONE pair of pants. But come on it was 100 degrees yesterday! I have no excuse now because almost every shirt she had is now too small. Why do they get so big so fast?
5. Shelby is also getting in 4 new teeth which will make a total of 16! I don't even remember Ben having that many teeth when he was 18-months old. But MAN that tiny mouth of hers is completely full of teeth now and her canines are finally breaking the surface. They have been giving her grief for months!
6. Ben has become a great little reader. He reads things out of the BOM during scriptures at night that completely surprise me. Last night he read me a bed time story. He also has spelling tests every week and he can spell words like green, apple, blue. He's doing so good.
7. Shelby has slowed down a little with her speech, but I think it'll pick up again soon. She says dog(duh), bye bye (bu bu), bird (bur), ben (I can't even comprehend this but when I tell her it's time to go pick up Ben she runs over to a pic of him and does this weird grunting at it), dad (da), thank you (ta too). I think that's about it. No mama anymore. Only da. She is completely in love with John!
8. Me and Shelby have been going to the park in the morning to walk and for the most part she does great. I've gotten up to 4 miles at a time and it's a struggle with a kid her age in our little Chicco stroller to walk around that long, but I think she'll be a little better once we get a jogging stroller (so I can actually start jogging!) It's been fun and I can tell Ben gets a little jealous asking what mommy and Shelby do while he's at school. He really doesn't like shopping that much anymore so as long as he knows he didn't have to walk around Walmart for an hour he's usually okay.
9. We are not any closer to getting our house on the market than we were two months ago. We still have so much to do! Time just ticks on by! We will hopefully in the next month or two, but it's hard with everything getting so busy!
10. I cut my own bangs the other day. Not my smartest moment. Still need my friend to fix them for me!
11. Okay I really can't think of anything else to say. I'm sure I will think of something as soon as I publish but I will have to save that for another post!