Working Mom Woes and Milestones
So I've had a tough few days with this whole working-mom thing. It comes and goes. Ben had a ROUGH Sunday morning and wouldn't even let ME calm him down. I'm hoping that it was just a little bit of the stomach flu that John had and Ben ended up taking a really long nap at Mom's on Sunday. I always think when things like that happen that Ben likes the babysitter more than me and would rather be at her house than home with us. I'm sure most women feel like that from time to time when they have to work. I have to remember that this is only temporary and I have to keep myself from persuading John to like become a cop for a while or something so I can stay home.
But when I was driving in to work this morning (really ridiculously late because I had to return the rent car we can't afford to keep any longer and pick up the van from mom, but she ended up having to pick ME up and the story goes on from there), but as I was driving in I was thinking that I can't remember ANYTHING till I was 3 years old so this is a time in Ben's life he won't even remember. And as long as we have a good babysitter that we trust will take good care of him, it will be hard, but it's a sacrifice we have to make right now. Anyway. We do a lot of praying these days. :)
But on a good note, Ben slept 6 hours straight on Saturday night then slept 7 or 8 last night! (We put him down at 10, but he was completely awake so I'm not sure when he actually fell asleep because I was out like a light. He woke up at 6am). From a website I read 5-6 hours is considered "sleeping through the night." I, of course, was awake from 4am on because I was a little worried about him because he had been so cranky earlier and had some really gross poop (imagine green crunchy peanut butter, yuck!). I had to keep checking on him to make sure he was okay. Hopefully this will become a pattern for him. I'll keep everyone posted! as a mother is always interesting! Good luck with the sleeping 6 hours thing! I hope it sticks!
I did the same thing the first time Abby slept longer than five hours.
I'm so sorry you have the working mom woes. Remember that babies his age (and for a while to come) don't label people. They just recognize familiar faces. Ben needs people who love and care for him, and he has THREE that he sees on a daily basis. Lucky kid.