Could Ben be Teething?

Over the last couple of weeks we have noticed a huge increase in the slobberiness of our little guy. I read somewhere that babies do start to get more slobbery as their saliva glands develop. When I picked Ben up from the babysitter yesterday she said she thinks he might be teething because she had to wipe his face like every 15 minutes. She also said her son got his first tooth at 3 months. John and I could swear we could see little white caps a few weeks ago but thought it was way too early. What do you guys think? Could he be teething? He doesn't really get overly fussy or chew on things, well, besides his tongue. He does chew on his tongue which I didn't think was a good thing but I guess it would only hurt if he had teeth. :)

randivon  – (August 30, 2006 1:14 PM)  

I have heard that they can teeth early as well... I believe my mom told me that we all teethed early... or Aubrey told me her kids got teeth early... one of the two. In any account, it is totally possible. I have wondered about Mary because she is a drool factory and will try and get anything and everything to her mouth to chew on. I do not know though... being a first time mom, I really have a hard time knowing what is normal or not. :-)

Melinda  – (August 30, 2006 2:52 PM)  

He could very well be teething. Tommy got his first tooth around 3 1/2 months and had all of his teeth in (not including his 2-year old molars) by the time he was a year old. Anna got her teeth early as well; she was about 4 months. It just seemed to happen, almost overnight, and they weren't too grumpy until the big molars started coming in. Consider yourselves lucky! You could have a grumpy teether like Abby! (no offense Mandie)

Unknown  – (August 30, 2006 4:57 PM)  

We kinda thought that when Abby was four months old, but it turns out that she just liked to slobber and gnaw on things. If he is teething, be glad you're not still nursing him!

By the way, Abs was super grumpy with the first tooth, but not hardly at all with the second one. I think she got used to it.

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