Missy's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Work has been quite busy the past few days because I'm finishing up Texas Aggie and they've gone through a LOT of revisions. Well John and I decided to go visit his brother today and bring Ben since his family has never seen him. His brother lives in Mt Pleasant which is about an hour and a half from Dallas. Once we got that finalized I was working feverishly on Texas Aggie trying to finish up some things so today wouldn't be so busy since I'm leaving early. Well, around 3:15 as I'm working on one section, the power goes out. It came back up about 5 minutes later then we hear an explosion and the power goes out again. Turns out the transformer for our building got struck by lightning so they told us to all go home. I was excited to get to go home early and spend some time with John and Ben.

I was headed home on I-30 when it starts pouring down rain and the traffic slows to about 20mph. The rain started to let up a little but the traffic was still slow. I realized after a second that mom's van was dying. I'm driving mom's van because my car is still in the shop and won't be finished till Thursday. It died right there on the freeway and I couldn't get it started again. So I called John and he told me to call a tow truck and have it towed to Jack's and he would go to mom's with Ben in case I needed to be picked up. So I sat on the freeway after calling the tow company for a good 10 minutes before someone stopped to help me. I was so thankful for that stranger who pushed the van on to the shoulder.

It took the tow truck a good 30-45 minutes to come get me, but finally he did. When I got to Jack's they took a look at it and said it was the fuse that went out on her before. So they fixed it, gave me some extra fuses, and I met John at mom's and we headed home. I stopped at McDonald's to get us dinner on the way home and as he was handing me our food, the van died again! So I had to pop the hood, climb out of the passenger side door, quickly replace the fuse, climb back over and drive off before the angry hungry people behind me started honking. The nice drive-thru employee told me I was "amazing" and I went home. I don't know what it is with me and cars these days!

So Mom met me at Jack's, we left her car there and drove to Ginny's. Ginny was also gracious enough to let me borrow her car till mine is finished. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful family members that are so kind and generous and willing to help us when we need it. And it's times like this as Papaw has passed that I stop and think how grateful I am to have such a great little family with John and Ben and that the rest of our extended family is so wonderful too.

On a happier note, Ben laughed for the first time last night. I was at Ginny's, but John was so excited that he got to hear it first. Ben is getting so big and we just love him so much!

Unknown  – (August 08, 2006 6:52 PM)  

Oh my gosh, Missy! I think that day is going to go down in history. I challenge anyone to beat it... wait. I better not say that or it will be me...

Melinda  – (August 09, 2006 9:41 AM)  

I feel your pain, Missy. When it rains, it pours!

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