Another Movie Review
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

John and I have been wanting to rent the second movie in the Pirates series, especially since the third one comes out this summer. We stopped at Blockbuster on our way home from a birthday party on Saturday night and started it as soon as Ben was in bed. For the record, I LOVED the first Pirates movie. It was funny and different and Jonny Depp is charming as Jack Sparrow and the other characters are all interesting and quirky. But this second installment was a weird, confusing and almost useless addition to the franchise. I mean, how many cursed ships exist? How many deadly contacracts are people going to get themselves into? Will Jack come to the rescue again? Will Will do something to save his beloved Elizabeth? Granted, parts of it were really funny, but most of the time I was looking at John with a "did they really just go there?" look on my face. We will probably see the 3rd movie just to see if this one will makey any more bit of sense, but overall I didn't really like it. And I was surprised by the amount of gore and death there was, a bit over the top even for a CSI addict! So for those of you out there that have seen it, what did you think?

Melinda  – (May 21, 2007 12:53 PM)  

Danny and I saw it in the theater last year. It's not even close to as good as the first one, and it had some cheesy moments, but overall, it was entertaining, and that's what I go to the movies for. The part with the big wheel thing seemed to go on for 10 minutes longer than it needed to, though. I'm looking forward to #3 to see if it redeems itself.

Nikki  – (May 21, 2007 2:54 PM)  

I agree with you 100%, Missy! I was really disappointed. I thought it was completely pointless-they just wanted to make more money from this franchise. The first move was a great, entertaining, stand alone film. It didn't need a sequel, especially one was convoluted as this one was! I will go see the 3rd one, too, but I'm not that excited about it. I mean, I have seen the 1st one about 5 or 6 times, and after seeing the 2nd one I thought "once is enough". I have no desire to see it again!

Gabby  – (May 21, 2007 6:46 PM)  

I loved the first one, but was only mildly entertained by the second one -- frankly, I got bored during many points in the movie. It only started getting interesting toward the end -- and then it ended. Which I think they did it on purpose. You know, it's like a filler LOST episode -- you get some action, and things seem to move along (but not really), and it's all just working up for the next episode where tons of things happen. While I think 2 (and some) hours is a lot to slog through, I can only HOPE that Pirates 3 redeems the franchise. I think it will. (Of course, what I'm REALLY waiting for this year is the HP:OOP movie!)

Elder and Sister Dunn  – (May 21, 2007 10:54 PM)  

I second that. The first movie was great. I really enjoyed the story line. When I saw the 2nd (in the theater) I was really looking forward to where the story would go. For me the 2nd one was disappointing. Kenny seemed to like it okay, but I felt like it was a waste of money.

Unknown  – (May 22, 2007 3:41 PM)  

Yeah, we waited with baited breath for it to come out on video before we saw it, and we were SO excited to see it. I don't think it was worth the wait though. Too dark for my taste, and it doesn't sound like number 3 will get any lighter.

Kenny  – (May 24, 2007 6:27 PM)  

I thought it was ok. It certainly was not on the same level as the first one but it was entertaining. If anyone is looking for a good movie, check out Stranger than Fiction. It is really good. Also Texas and I have found that McDonald's and Kroger both have $1 movie rental machines. It makes for a nice cheap date night.

juli  – (May 28, 2007 11:30 PM)  

I don't know if you've seen the third movie yet, but rest assured, it's WAY better than the second. The second one is like a long, pointless introduction to the third. Someone could've easily told me "Jack died and now they're going to save him" and I would've never had to see that boring middle movie. The third isn't as good as the first, of course, but it's good. And by the way, stay for the post-credits makes the movie better.

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