A Big Step
Yesterday on our way home from Ginny's house (thanks for the pizza and thanks for the invite, Randi!) I told John that I think it's time that we turn the baby monitor off. We keep it on at night because I can't always hear him when he cries. I know that sounds ridiculous since his room is right across the hall and we have this little condo, but with our fan on, both doors closed, it makes it hard to hear sometimes. So Ben wakes up at least once a night. He's been getting better, but I've known that I need to just let him cry it out and sleep through the night on his own for once. John said this was a big step for me and as silly as it sounds, it really is! I think part of the reason I can't just let him cry it out is that I feel slightly guilty because I work and am not with him all day and then I try and say that he really is huge and hasn't slowed down on growing and maybe he really does need a nighttime feeding. But he's almost a year old and he can take care of himself. He's obviously not going to starve! Last night was the first night we turned it down (light still on just in case, those won't wake me up!) and I don't know if he woke up or not, but he seemed fine when he woke up at 6:45 this morning. Hopefully we can get rid of the baby monitor for good soon!
Wow... that is impressive! I have to admit that I do not turn the monitor off. I think I just sleep through it now. But it is a hard thing to do. I am impressed. You all are awesomeness!
Wow, my baby sister is growing up!
Yeah, Missy! That's a big step! Benjamin is now a big boy in many ways and should be able to comfort himself back to sleep. The sleep will do you both some good!
Its about time... I mean yeah Missy! :-)