So You Think You Can Dance

It may sound dumb, but this is my FAVORITE show. I love this show, way more than American Idol, and maybe even more than CSI (which is saying a lot!) John has class at night now from 8-10 so SYTYCD is great to take up that time when John's not home and Ben is in bed. Last night I was telling John about the major cut they did (from nearly 200 to 50 in one day!) and how crazy it was that most of the people they'd done featurettes on during the last two weeks got the axe. John asked if I had recorded it and I hadn't because our DVR is weird in that if you start recording halfway through, once it's finished recording you can't rewind to what you didn't record. So I'd forgotten to record and didn't want to miss anything when I gave Ben a bath. John was like "Oh. Because I may have actually wanted to go back and watch it." That's right. John likes it, too (even though he probably won't admit it)! I hope the show stays really cool and entertaining, unlike American Idol that jumped the shark around season 3... And if you're not watching it, you should. Cuts go from 50 to 20 tonight at 8pm on Fox!

Melinda  – (June 07, 2007 11:02 AM)  

I really like the show, too. It's a show that we can watch as a whole family, and Anna and Tommy will sometimes dance along! What happened to Benji's sister?

Missy  – (June 07, 2007 11:54 AM)  

She's still there, I'm pretty sure. I swear I saw her in a group in the promo for the next episode. I'd be surprised if they didn't put her through, but then again I was really surprised when some people I like got cut after the first dance! I'm sure they'll show everyone a bit more in depth tonight. At least I hope!

Missy  – (June 07, 2007 11:55 AM)  

Oh, and is it bad that I'm a little creeped out by prosthetic girl? I didn't even think she was that good of a dancer. Maybe they feel sorry for her...

Nikki  – (June 07, 2007 2:26 PM)  

I've been watching, too. I guess it's a bit of a guitly pleasure, but I got hooked last summer, and my sister really likes it, so we watched it together when we were in Utah.

I thought that girl looked kind of creepy before I even knew about her arm (are we talking about the same girl?).

Gabby  – (June 07, 2007 10:50 PM)  

I thought the girl with the prosthetic arm was sweet. And I wondered where Benji's sister was too -- they didn't show her until the last, last round of cuts!

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