Reason #2 not to vote for Barack Hussein Obama

Enjoy this list and the nice little tribute to the Obama-obsessed media brought to us by the McCain Camp. Love it! (ha)

Reason #2: Obama Lacks Judgment


1. Accepted credit for dozens of bills he did not write in Illinois legislature

2. Plaigiarized “Just Words” speech from Massachusetts governor

3. Plaigiarized nomination acceptance speech from Mario Cumo

4. Borrowed “Fired Up, Ready to Go” slogan from another politician

5. Lifted “Yes, we can” slogan from Hispanic farm workers

6. Does not believe the radical Iranian Revolutionary Guard is a terrorist organization

7. Pledged to sit down with state sponsors of terrorism without preconditions in his first year as President

8. Refused to wear a flag pin for elitist, silly reasons

9. As Chairman of the Senate Europe and NATO subcommittee, irresponsibly failed to hold a single hearing, claiming he was too busy running for President

10. Supporter and cousin of Raila Odinga, a radical Kenyan socialist

11. Longtime friend and business associate of Tony Rezko, convicted criminal, slumlord, political crook

12. Longtime friend and political associate of Bill Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist and murderer

13. Spiritually mentored for many years by left-wing, anti-American priest Father Michael Pfleger; when Pfleger grotesquely attacked Hillary, McCain defended her by name, Obama did not

14. Allowed himself to be spiritually mentored by Rev. Jeremiah Wright (beware of strong language) for twenty years, and allowed Wright to pastor his children

15. Supported a live-birth abortion measure that even NARAL Pro-Choice America opposed

16. Thinks regular folks cling to guns and gods because they’re bitter about the economy

Melinda  – (July 23, 2008 11:59 AM)  

Okay, really you can't list a reason for this guy not to be president because he doesn't wear a flag pin! PLEASE check your facts before you assume them to be fact. Just because it's posted on McCain's website doesn't always mean that it's entirely true. Now, I'm not saying that Barak is a great guy, BUT I hate it when people take a side and assume that the other side is wrong. I am taking this election with a grain of salt and I WILL NOT be swayed by facts listed on a politician's website that may or may not be true. I will do my own research. A lot of these things that you have posted are petty, and frankly, don't hold up. I'm sure I could go on Obama's website and find some equally petty and stupid reasons NOT to vote for McCain! It's like going to an anti-Mormon website and believing everything it says! Yes, you have your opinions, but I prefer to be a little more open-minded about this race. Neither candidate is good, in my opinion, and I would rather have Romney as a candidate, but that's not going to happen. I may not even vote in this election because there may not be a better choice. I know this is long, but that's what you get for posting politcal stuff on your website. Oh, and please get over the fact that Barak's middle name is Hussein. He can't help what his name is or his childhood upbringing!

Missy  – (July 23, 2008 12:10 PM)  

Melinda, if you remember my first post, I didn't get this from a McCain site. I got it from a Hillary Clinton site. Someone who Barack is considering as his VP. Yes, I know some of them might seem petty, but I wanted to post the list in it's entirety. First so you can see everything they wrote and secondly so the site doesn't accuse me of stealing their information. That is also why I posted my OWN links to their list because I DID DO MY OWN RESEARCH on their reasons. And yes, I think the flag pin may seem petty, but when you wear it then take it off people give you flack then put it back on then take it off when people complain that just shows you can't stand on your own judgment. And frankly a lot of the things on that list are things that people should be very concerned about and aren't just talked about on one side. And you didn't have any issues with me posting the other list so why this one? Does the flag pin issue bother you THAT MUCH?

No, I don't think both candidates are great. I said I would post these reasons and I'm going to keep doing it. I'm not going to let go of the fact that Obama is the most under qualified person that has ever run for president and it really annoys me how much people let him get away with. If you want to do your own research, fine. Then don't complain about things I post on my own blog because YOU DON'T HAVE TO READ IT!

Scuba Steve  – (July 23, 2008 2:07 PM)  

Missy you forgot to mention that not only did he take the flag pin off his lapel, he also took the flag off the tail of his official campaign airplane. He replaced it instead with his trade maked O. Pretty lame that he thinks his trade mark is better than the Flag of the Republic that he wishes to stand at the head of.On another note, this vacation that he's on in the middle east is driving me nuts. He is coming up with all these "new foreign policies" that are actually just recycled Bush and McCain ideas that because of the biased media are being reported as Obama originals. Love the video. Oh and Melinda, the difference between you going to an anti-mormon website is this list contains accurate facts. I know that because I have done plenty of my own research on these candidates.

Melinda  – (July 23, 2008 2:10 PM)  

Obama is a great orator and that's how he gets away with everything. He knows what to say and when to say it so that he can sway judgements. I read your blog because I like it, and this one thing somehow annoys me today. You posted your opinion, so I simply added my own to it. It's your blog, so you could easily delete my comment and pretend that it didn't exist. At the beginning of the post, you stated that you got this from the McCain camp, not anywhere else. I don't remember the other post, so I didn't know where you got that information. If you didn't get this from the McCain people, why did you say so at the beginning of the post? I will never bring up politics in your presence again. I should have taken that advice from Mandie.

Melinda  – (July 23, 2008 2:22 PM)  

Oh, and number 2-5 is something EVERY politician and great speaker does! Actually, Obama is friends with the Mass. gov. who actually approved his words! That's all I'm going to say about that, and we can still be friends without talking politics. I'm sorry.

Missy  – (July 23, 2008 2:40 PM)  

The VIDEO at the bottom I said was from the McCain people, not the list itself, I should have made that more clear. This is just another portion of the first list I posted a couple of weeks ago (Reason #1 not to vote for him which you commented on!) I'm all for having an open minded discussion about politics but not when you rail on me for something I posted on my blog like I'm the one who shouldn't post my own opinion just because you disagree with parts of it. I could have deleted your comment but I didn't. I am in no way hiding the fact that I'm a strict conservative and don't like Obama. Yes, he's a great orator with his planned out speeches but put him in a room with reporters where he doesn't know the questions before hand and he falls apart.

Anyway. I hope everyone has enjoyed our spirited discussion. And yes, Mandie knows not to really talk politics with me because she knows I disagree with the fact that most of the information she gets is from watching the Today Show!

Simply Sarah *K*  – (July 23, 2008 2:47 PM)  

Good stuff, Missy, good stuff! I love these lists you do and appreciate the research you put into them!
It's too bad we all don't have the conviction that you have! It will be interesting to see who wins, that is for sure!

juli  – (July 24, 2008 8:41 AM)  

I don't like Obama; I think he has weak policies and is easily swayed. On the plus side, though, that probably means that if he's actually elected (which with his media-given celebrity status is a strong possibility), he won't do much.

Now then, even though he's not going to make a great president, I think it's absolutely disgraceful when people use his middle name like it's a dirty word. Stop it! It's just a name! And it would be a perfectly good name, too, if not for the unfortunate associations we make. I would be devestated if my name suddenly became a slur, especially if people deliberately made it such. It's unnecessary to stoop so low. Let his politics speak for themselves and not his middle name. I mean, for goodness sakes, talk about petty!

Missy  – (July 24, 2008 8:46 AM)  

Um, just because I used his full name on this post doesn't mean I'm using it like a dirty word. Plus, he was the one who wouldn't let anyone in the media even say it like HE'S ashamed of it. I know some girls with the LAST NAME of Hussain (slightly different spelling) and I think it's unfortunate people assume things about it. I was only using his full name because it's his full name! If I was doing this post on Hillary I'd call her Hillary Rodham Clinton. Just being consistent, guys, don't read more into it, especially if I didn't even mention anything about his middle name.

juli  – (July 24, 2008 10:28 AM)  

It's about respect. He asked people not to use "Hussein" because he's aware of the associations. It isn't an election issue and people shouldn't care one way or the other, but people obviously do care because they continue to use the name. Respect the man's wishes; it's just the polite thing to do.

Missy  – (July 24, 2008 11:52 AM)  

I'm sorry, Julie, we're going to have to agree to disagree. If I HADN'T put his middle name on my post then there'd be people who would ask me why I didn't! Obviously no one is going to be happy with anything I post here about Obama and frankly I don't understand why everyone is so sensitive about it all. Why does he deserve to treated with all this respect? He didn't treat Mitt Romney with one ounce of it let alone the other candidates. Come on, it's just his name. It's just a list. I don't think he should be president but I also don't think we need to tip toe around him.

That's it, guys, I probably won't post another list like this even though I have plenty of more to add to it. If anyone wants the rest, I can email it to you. But for heaven's sake, do your homework about the election and do what you think is right.

Scuba Steve  – (July 24, 2008 3:38 PM)  

I think instead of talking about how we need to respect Barack Hussein Obama, we should think more about how we can be more respectful to the people in our lives. For example; our MOTHERS and fathers, our friends, our brothers and sisters, our church leaders and those that have stewardship over us. Barack has done nothing to warrant respect from me in fact just the opposite. Just look at his close associations, his voting record and his flagrant miss use of the 4000 US lives that have been lost in the war... I can not and will not give an ounce of respect to some one that uses this as a political tactic.

Ginny  – (July 25, 2008 11:38 AM)  

I respectfully request that Missy wait until the high temperatures drop below 80 to post any more election info--it's quite hot enough with creating all this steam!

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