Remember that post where I said I thought I had a sinus infection?

Well, I do. At least it's not strep! I called in sick today but can thankfully still take Ben to preschool even if I'm not at work. I went straight from there to the doctor where I was negative for strep but for sure have a nasty sinus infection. Now, I didn't want to drive all the way home, that's a waste of gas. So I stopped by my mom's house because she lives close to Burleson. I grabbed a coupon for a $30 gift card with a new prescription and some cash to get lunch and went to get my prescriptions filled. Then I got my mom and her yard guy and myself lunch and then I came back, ate lunch then took a 2-hour nap.

But then I woke up with a KILLER headache and my throat still hurts. Ahhh the joys. I honestly can't complain though. The sky is such a perfect shade of blue today I'll remember it for a long time. If you haven't gone outside to look at the sky you really should. It is beautiful.

Now that I'm doped up on meds I'll head out in a bit to go pick Ben up early and head home. I know that I am a lucky to be able to still have somewhere for Ben to have fun and play even when I am home sick. And that my mom lives close enough that I don't have to waste an hours worth of driving time in gas! But seriously, this sinus infection needs to go away!

Jenny  – (September 04, 2008 5:47 PM)  

yikes, sinus infections are awful. you're not sick enough to wallow in bed all day, but you're sick enough to feel miserable. hope you feel better soon!!

Mubeen  – (September 04, 2008 8:46 PM)  

awww, hope you feel better soon!!!

Kelli  – (September 05, 2008 11:17 AM)  

Ahhh, I'm sorry. Hope you start feeling better quickly. Let me know if you need anything!

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