Thoughts on Being Pregnant: 26 Weeks
>> Friday, January 15, 2010 –
baby #2
I got my little "Your Pregnancy This Week" email this morning and realized I'm 26 weeks. Usually I keep pretty good tabs on that kind of stuff but the past few weeks have flown by so fast it was hard for me to keep track. So I thought I'd give you guys an update on how life has been with pregnancy #2.
1. I am tired. Just so so tired. Granted, staying up till 11pm watching tv with John obviously doesn't help any. Neither does the fact that Ben wakes up at least twice a night to go potty (and still has wet pull-ups in the morning). Thankfully I usually sleep through it, though he always leaves the hall light on so we know he's been up. Anyway. I'm just tired.
2. I've gained a massive amount of weight. Not afraid to admit it, but it happened with Ben, I was just hoping I could stave off the weight gain monsters, but, alas, they've won. I can not wait to get back in shape!
3. I'm so impatient! My pregnancy with Ben seemed to go by so fast. I was thinking about it the other day and why I am getting increasingly impatient and I realized that it's because I was working when I was pregnant with Ben and that made things seem to go by really fast. I say that and the last two weeks went by in a bat of an eyelash so I can't really complain! Just want this little girl to come soon!
4. I don't have to have a c-section! I went to the dr on Monday for another sonogram to check my placenta and all is well. It's gravitating up away from the danger zone so I won't be scheduled for a c-section. I know they're not all that bad, but if I don't have to have one, then why do it? The only thing I'm actually a little sad about is that Monday was the last sonogram I'll get this pregnancy. I LOVE getting sonograms. We got so many with Ben and I loved seeing him grow. But it's all good!
5. I have a mover in my tummy. I thought Ben was the most active kid ever, but Shelby is definitely giving him a run for his money. I get kicked all the time. I mean, they're supposed to sleep in the womb 12-18 hrs but I really don't see how that's possible with all the kicking going on. Especially at night! I know some people say they're not bothered when kicked, but if I have to get up during the night I know I'll be up for an hour or so because of all the insanity going on in my tummy. But I still dig it. :)
6. My wedding ring in becoming increasingly tight. I really don't want to take it off. See #2.
7. I'm finally on board with all the girl stuff. At first I was completely overwhelmed when walking through the girls section at stores. I know it's lame because anytime I'd do that when Ben was younger I'd swoon over how adorable everything is. But the thought of actually buying some of it is so foreign to me! After buying a handful of things I'm sold. John's worried. I have to be on my best behavior or I will buy everything. Most of it is just so cute. Don't get me wrong, I seriously hate all the bubble gum overly pink frilly stuff. But when Target has stuff like this I really just can't help myself!

I'm also having a hard time with crib bedding and am possibly going to end up making a quilt and bumper with my mom. I really love a more modern look rather than PINK but it's so hard to find what I want. If they sold fabric from this blanket I'd buy it! It's totally different but I love it.

8. We have so much work to do. I really shouldn't complain about how impatient I am, because we have a lot of work to do around our house before this baby comes. Lots of work in Ben's room, lots of stuff to buy and lots of stuff to get rid of! John will be out of town twice before she comes, so I'm going to use my nights to get a lot of stuff done. Even though I'm exhausted during the day I'm almost always wide awake later in the evening. I really hope to get a lot done then!
9. I still can't drink Diet Coke. Considering how much Diet Coke I drank with Ben, it's kind of weird. Now I can really only stomach Dr. Pepper and Sunkist and crave them all the time. See #2.
10. Ever since telling people we're naming our baby Shelby I've seen Shelby everywhere. Okay, not EVERYWHERE, but you definitely notice it more often. Like the slightly white trash guy that fixed our tire at NTB? His name is Shelby. And the large, unflatteringly dressed woman at Walmart with the huge tattoo on her upper chest? Yes, it said Shelby. We still love it though, no matter what anyone else thinks!
My cousin's little girl is Shelby and I love that name! I can't believe you are so far along, so exciting!!!
Good luck! Now we need to see pictures of your cute prego belly!
Make your own sheets! I wanted black and white, which isn't very easy to find, so my mom made fitted sheets and a dust ruffle. I didn't do bumpers.
how fun!! don't even go there about the weight!!! let's not forget I gained 73+ pounds with every single one of mine. You'll be fine...just enjoy it!!!
you will for sure have to be on your best behavior with girl clothes!! they are everywhere and oh soo cute!!!
I thought you looked great. As for girls clothes, I suggest Sams for fancy dresses. They always have the cutest Easter and Christmas dresses for so much cheaper than anywhere else.
I'm happy you won't need a c-section--good news! Let us know how we can help with getting things ready!