Our 2-month old!
>> Wednesday, June 16, 2010 –
Shelby had her 2-month appointment today. It went great! She even got 4 shots and only cried a little. It was time for her to go to sleep anyway so she was really tired.
Here are her 2- month stats!
Height: 23-1/2 inches (75th)
Weight: 12.5 lbs (75th)
Head: 15-1/4 inches (50%)
We just love our little girl. I honestly could not ask for a better baby. She is still sleeping through the night from 8:30 to 8:30 usually waking up once between 5 and 6. She's cooing and smiling and trying so hard to laugh. She's so cute and has the fattest cheeks EVER! I promise I will post pictures of her soon!
Sleeping that well already. What a great kid! It took tough love to get any of mine to sleep through the night. Lucky you!
Jake just started wanting to hang out around 4am. Not cool. Glad Shelby's such a little peach!
Shelby is a superbaby!