Day 01 — 5 things about you that no one really knows
1. I LOVE tomatoes. I seriously think God invented sunburst tomatoes (the delicious little yellow ones) just for me. Love love love them.
2. I was a drummer in high school. Some people know this about me. Some don't. So it works. I was pretty good. Was drum captain for 3 years. Good times.
3. I broke my arm falling off the monkey bars when I was 9. They put it in a short cast and it wasn't healing correctly so I had to have surgery to re-break it. I was in a cast for almost 6 months. I still have two of my casts.
4. I'm not a baby person. I love my kids the older and older they get. But I don't gush over my babies, or other people's babies. So don't be offended if I don't gush over yours. Give me about 6-9 months and I'll think your kids the coolest thing on the planet.
5. I once took a couple of road reflectors (the ones that are adhered to the ground) from off the ground in a Winn Dixie parking lot. They were loose and I thought they were cool. The security guard saw me and threatened to arrest me. I was 17.
I was there with you at Winn Dixie when the security guard came running over and yelled at us to put the refectors back! Good times.
Wait, is that where the reflector hanging on our playroom wall came from?