Day 05 — Top 10 pet peeves

This is a hard one! I have a ton of pet peeves but I can't even think of them when I'm supposed to make a friggin list!

1. Using the word uber. What does uber even mean? It's like someone's fancy version of super. Just use super!

2. When people speed up to get around you then immediately slow down. This infuriates us to no end on road trips.

3. Parents who bring small kids to movies not made for small kids. Especially rated R movies. You know parents do it. Why the heck??

4. When Ben stands at my shoulder while I'm on the computer breathing on my neck and pulling my chair back. Oh man that drives me absolutely insane.

5. When something we love suddenly becomes popular. Like Coldplay or the Rangers.

6. Chewing with your mouth open. Ben does this sometimes and oh man it makes me crazy!

7. PeOpLe WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs.

8. When you order something at a drive thru and they screw it up and you don't realize it till your home. Like the time I ordered a chicken sandwich at McD's and they gave me a fish sandwich. In what universe is that the same thing?

9. People who cuss in public with no thought of who's around them. I was at Target once and someone was on the phone saying the f-word over and over. And you know people talk louder when they're on the phone. So it was loud enough for Ben to hear and understand. Watch your mouth in public people!

10. People who don't put their kids in car seats. I almost called 911 on a lady once when I was at Walmart (no surprise there) and she was driving a car full of kids. There was one older kid in the back seat with 5 small kids. None of them were in car seats or wearing seat belts and one kid was crawling up to the front seat. Really people? You can't keep your kids safe in a car seat? Can't afford a bigger car to fit all of the car seats? Then don't have so many dang kids!!

Kari  – (December 18, 2010 12:40 PM)  

#7 MaDe Me LaUgH. i HaTe It ToO.

Regina  – (December 18, 2010 2:14 PM)  

So with you on #5. Rangers and Cowboys. We love them when they suck, and then when they are doing awesome all of a sudden everybody acts like they know everything about every player. Puhh-leeease! And #7 also made me laugh. Hate it too. And #9. Grrrrrr!!!

Chrystal  – (December 18, 2010 8:49 PM)  

I'm gonna have to steal #9. ugh.

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