Day 13 — What did you do today??

7:15am - John wakes me up to kiss me good bye.
7:30am - Ben wakes up and I tell him to go in the living room and lay on the couch. I'm SO tired.
7:45am - Ben comes in to tell me he's hungry.
7:50am - I get up and get Ben some Scooby Snacks (cinnamon graham crackers shaped like dog biscuits).
8:00am - I eat some Scooby Snacks. Turn on cartoons.
8:25am - Call Shelby's Dr., not open yet.
8:30am - Get on internet and look at FB.
8:45am - Call Shelby's Dr., make appointment for 1:45.
8:50am - Make bottle and wake Shelby up and feed her.
9:15am - Change Shelby's diaper and clothes.
9:20am - Start another load of laundry to clean all of Ben's blankets that Shelby threw up on last night.
9:30am - Start Ben's bath.
9:40am - Started writing this.
9:50am - Got Ben out of bath and dressed.
10:00am - Shelby down for a nap.
10:10am - Ben gets to play Wii.
10:15am - I start working on disc covers I need to create and order.
11:17am - I put in an order for 2 disc cases and 2 covers. I have 3 more to order but I'll do those later. I need to shower before Shelby wakes up.
11:30am - I finally get in the shower/makeup/hair done/brush teeth. Realize I forgot to put my puked on jeans in the wash last night. Make mental note to wash them later.
12:00noon - Make Ben and Shelby's lunch.
12:05pm - Ben sits down to eat lunch, I wake up Shelby and feed her.
12:25pm - Diaper change/Shoes/coats/everything for Shelby and head out the door to Target.
12:45pm - Get to Target for formula/peanut butter/bread/bag for a present/soda for me. Check out mark down Christmas stuff. Got the Cadbury Christmas candy. Mmmm.
1:25pm - Get in long line at Target.
1:30pm - Leave Target (late) for 1:45 dr appointment only to realize I left Shelby's new insurance card at home.
1:30pm - Call dr to tell them I'll be late and head home to get card.
1:45pm - Lanes closed on Center St. gonna be really late to dr.
1:55pm - Finally leave home for dr appointment.
2:00pm - Realize I never ate lunch and open the Cabury chocolate I got at Target.
2:10pm - Get to dr. and wait.
2:25pm - See the nurse.
2:45pm - See the dr. Shelby's fine, just feed her a light diet of toast/formula/pedialyte/rice for a few days till her stomach is better.
3:05pm - Leave dr and head home.
3:25pm - Get home and sit in parking lot for a minute talking to my mom on the phone. She's at Kohl's buying clothes for the kids.
3:30pm - Feed Shelby, change her diaper.
3:40pm - Write more of this while Ben is watching Despicable Me, Shelby crawling everywhere. Check email, see my disc covers order already shipped!
4:00pm - Shelby down for a nap, 15-minute pick-up.
4:15pm - Write an email/call my sister about Sunday dinner/baby blessing but she doesn't answer so I make Ben some chocolate milk and look at FB/blogs for a while.
4:25pm - Throw away the unwrapped Reese's peanut butter cup Ben was holding while he was going #2 in the bathroom before he has a chance to eat it.
4:30pm - Get a text from John that he's heading home. YAY!
4:35pm - Try and locate my On the Border gift card I have so we can go out to dinner. Hoping Shelby is not super cranky when she wakes up so we can go.
4:45pm - Watch movie with Ben.
5:00pm - John gets home. I make Shelby some cereal and a bottle.
5:05pm - John wakes Shelby up. She's not interested in eating, just wants to play.
5:30pm - We decide on Chipotle for dinner and I head out to pick it up.
5:50pm - Dinner! Shelby is finally interested in her bottle.
6:05pm - Watching Casino Royale on SciFy? Or was it AMC? I can't remember.
6:15pm - Switch to Meteorite Men when the not child safe parts of Casino Royale come on. Ben's playing in his room, I'm playing with Shelby, John's watching tv.
7:00pm - I get Shelby's pajamas on and diaper changed.
7:15pm - Make Ben's bed from all his washed blankets that Shelby puked on last night. Shelby plays in her crib while Ben helps me. One blanket still smells like puke. I put it back in the wash. I realize now I still haven't washed those jeans...
7:35pm - Pajamas for Ben. And a juice box.
7:45pm - Ben gets the 10 minutes till bed warning and we do 5 minute pick up. John lowers Shelby's crib while we clean up because she stands up in it now. It's as far down as it will go now and she's not sure what to think of it.
8:00pm - Bedtime/prayers. Shelby didn't puke today. This is a vast improvement over yesterday.
8:05pm - Both kids in bed. Neither wants to go to bed.
8:10pm - I feed Shelby the rest of the bottle she didn't finish. Get Ben a little water. Threaten him if he keeps Shelby awake.
8:20pm - Go to put Shelby's pacifier back in. Ben's laying all wonky in his bed. More threats.
8:30pm - They're both asleep. I'm watching What Not to Wear. John's playing Call of Duty. Playing Words With Friends.
9:25pm - John's finished playing so we come watch Dirty Jobs. I'm cold. Losing at most of my WWF games.
9:45pm - Make popcorn. Eat popcorn.
10:15pm - John's trying to figure out why internet won't attach documents.
10:45pm - Give up.
10:53pm - Finishing Back to the Future III then going to bed!

Chrystal  – (December 30, 2010 8:37 AM)  

You were much more specific and way more productive than me. It's sad how little I get accomplished. You notice it more when you write it all out..

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