Day 1 - Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts

So here's a recent picture of me. It's the one on my Facebook, though it looks much cooler on my Facebook than on here. Especially since it is kind of an unflattering angle to my chin in it's full form. The Facebook hack I did (thanks to Kari) is much more flattering!

See what I mean?

Anyway. That's a recent picture!

Here's 15 boring facts (I know it says interesting, but come on, the first 5 may be okay but #11 is probably gonna bore you):

1. I turned 19 on November 19th in 1999.
2. My thumbs are different from each other. I call them fraternal twins.
3. I have an overly sensitive sense of smell. I think Ben has inherited this trait. It's especially annoying when we're out because if there is any kind of peculiar smell anywhere he announces at the top of his lungs, "MOM!! What is that SMELL?? Gross!!" He is also the first to smell the kid with the poopy diaper when we've got a bunch of cousins together. And he will come tell you who it is.
4. I have lost 8.2 pounds in 3 weeks. My family is doing a Biggest Loser competition. John's going to be mad at me for posting that (gives the other competitors motivation), but he's lost more than me so he should be proud, dang it!
5. We own two guns that are technically mine. A .22 Remington rifle that I inherited from my dad and a .22 handgun we bought from John's brother Mark. I haven't shot the rifle in over 3 years and have never shot the handgun. Though I really want to. John's actually at the gun range this morning with a friend from church. I'm not really that envious though because it was 33 degrees when he left this morning.
6. I hate any kind of chocolate with mint. No Andes, Yorks, mint brownies. Gross.
7. I love Phineas and Ferb.
8. I also love Cheddar Explosion Goldfish. Possibly why I only lost 0.6lbs this week!
9. I am extremely shy and can't normally have a very good conversation with people I don't know. Makes taking pictures interesting but I try to throw all inhibition aside when it comes to my business, especially at weddings! But don't tell me I don't feel awkward because, man, I feel like an idiot sometimes.
10. I'm the Beehive Advisor at church. That means I teach every Sunday but Fast and Fifth Sundays. That whole shy thing also had to be thrown out the window. The girls are shy enough for both of us!
11. I'm the youngest of 5 girls. So I'm the baby. I was treated like the baby and I acted (act) like the baby. It's awesome.
12. I have an issue with visible onion. If it's an onion and it's in my food and I can see it I won't eat it. If I can taste it prominently in my food I won't eat it. I once had a Subway sandwich that had ONE piece of onion on it (granted that onion smelled like it'd been exposed to the elements for a few days) but it ruined the sandwich for me. Happened once with a Sonic chicken sandwich, too. My mom has reverted to putting dehydrated onion in the dressing she makes on Thanksgiving because me and my nephew Kile (with the same visible onion issue) would pick all the pieces of onion out. Haha.
13. I've never had to use an eyelash curler.
14. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from UTA, Graphic Design emphasis.
15. John and I were discussing our celebrity crushes after American Idol the other night. His has always been Catherine Zeta-Jones. Apparently it is also Jennifer Lopez. I realized I don't really have one anymore (I'm sorry Shia but I've moved on). So I need a new celebrity crush. Thoughts? Daniel Craig? Robert Downey Jr. (too cliche?) Ryan Reynolds? Hm...

Kari  – (January 22, 2011 10:54 AM)  

Ryan Reynolds.

I LOVE MINT AND CHOCOLATE!!! (and mint and orange) and I really don't like flavor blasted goldfish (but I love the normal kind). We're a bit different in the food category. :)

Ginny  – (January 24, 2011 7:44 AM)  

I'm with you on the mint/chocolate combo. Good news is it saves a lot of calories by not eating the Girl Scout Thin Mints! Re: Catherine Zeta Jones--Jared was with me at the grocery store and saw a pic of her with hubby Michael Douglas. Jared says (only slightly drooling) "That is a lucky man." Me: "Because....?" "He has a beautiful wife." Me: "And....?" "I'm a lucky man, too." Me: "Because...?" "I have a beautiful wife, too." Okay, he needs some prompting sometimes ;) My crush is Sean Connery, even when he's old!

Chrystal  – (January 24, 2011 1:13 PM)  

Ewan McGregor will forever and always be my celeb crush.

Jonathan's? ...Jewel.

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