Day 25 — A funny (true) story
Last Christmas (2009) was the first time we'd let Ben watch Home Alone. It's one of my favorite Christmas movies and it's tradition that we watch it every Thanksgiving. But it has some bad words and before that we didn't really think he should watch it. I knew he would love it. I mean, what kid doesn't love to see people falling down and hurting themselves?
So of course he loved it. And naturally we watched it over and over and over again.
About a week before Christmas we were in the car heading home from the store. Ben hollers at me from the back seat.
"Just leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here!"
I paused for a minute because I was trying to keep myself from laughing uncontrollably. Of all the things he could have picked up from that movie! It was so funny, but so so wrong. I didn't even acknowledge what he said and he never said it again. We only watched Home Alone maybe one more time that Christmas!
Home Alone is my favorite too! We watched it every Christmas Eve growing up! And it is for that reason that we havent let Kelly watch it yet! So funny!