Shelby is ONE!
Don't even get me started on how crazy it is that our little baby girl is already a year old! It's crazy how fast the first months go, but we love her so much and she's more and more fun every day. Here are some stats/tidbits about our one-year-old!
1. She weighs 23.9lbs (75th)
2. She's 32" tall (off the chart)
3. Her head is small at 17-3/4" (25-50th)
4. She says go, mama, dada, bye bye, uh oh.
5. She signs milk, done, bye bye.
6. She's cruising but not walking.
7. She loves to sing If You're Happy and You Know It and do the motions with me and Ben (pat her tummy is her favorite).
8. She is in love with her dad.
9. She hates when Ben holds her. He thinks she loves it but oh man does she hate it.
10. Bath time is her most favorite thing in the whole world.
11. She loves books and points at pictures trying to mimic words.
12. She hates when I get her dressed. Whether in the morning or in her pjs she hates it!
13. She loves to dance.
14. She can jump up and down (while holding something) but still can't walk. I know she's just holding out on us (but honestly I don't mind).
15. Her favorite foods are beans, strawberries, goldfish, veggie chips, cheese and noodles.
16. She definitely has a sweet tooth. Almost immediately after we eat lunch or dinner she finds her way into the pantry and tries to pry open a bag of fruit snacks.
17. No I don't let her eat fruit snacks. I did let her eat a piece of a tootsie roll today but she prefers Smarties.
18. She tries to put shirts over her head and shoes on her feet.
19. She loves necklaces.
20. She is extremely happy almost 100% of the time. If she ever gets cranky I know she's either sick or exhausted. But those moments are few and far between.
21. She's just awesome.
I haven't taken her official 1-year pics yet but here's a couple from a little session I did with her and Ben the other day. I tried for bluebonnets but it was a fairly unsuccessful attempt!
So beautiful. I can't believe it has been a year already.
She is so precious! And I love her dress.
Wow, I can't believe she is one! These pictures are so cute and it sounds like she has been such a fun, sweet baby.
What a little doll!! SO cute, and I love the dress!