Grateful Nov 15
Today I'm grateful that I'm not sitting in a doctor's office getting tested for strep like I was two weeks ago! I had feeling really groggy since Sunday and my throat was hurting pretty bad. By noon yesterday I had a 99 degree fever. Sunday night John shined a flashlight down my throat and there they were, those pesky white spots. Remember when I said I got sick the past two weekends we said we were going to try and get carpet (but thankfully neither weekend worked out?) Well, yeah, that would have been fate's cruel joke on me to make me sick AGAIN when we're getting carpet this weekend!
But I can gratefully say that I woke up this morning with only a slight irritation in my throat and no white spots to be seen! And so I've been able to spend my morning caulking, touch up painting, scrubbing baseboards and cleaning out my bedroom.
Glad you're better.