Pregnancy Update, Mother-in-Law Update

I got back from the doctor a little while ago with good news! I'm dialated to a 2 already and have three tentative induce dates, depending on when my doctor is on call and how things look next week at my appointment. It will either be May 24, 26 or 29. Monday the 29th is a holiday so I'm not sure she realized that or if it would effect anything. I prefer the 26th or the 29th but it all depends on when my doctor is available. She said everything looks great and my specialist said the same thing so now we just wait until the big day. Thankfully, my doctor said the likelihood of me going into labor before John gets back from his fishing trip isn't very high so not to worry.

We also heard from John's dad yesterday about his mom. They've put her in the stroke ward and are doing tests today to determine if she actually had a stroke or not. She had fluid on the lungs which was causing her to be low on oxygen and they think that was making her act irradically. Hopefully that will be the worst of it, but there is a chance she did have a stroke. John's brother insisted that him and John go down there instead of to New Mexico but his dad wouldn't have it. We'll probably know more today or tomorrow so I will keep everyone posted! Keep us in your prayers!

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