American Idol-Final 12

So I have no idea what is going on with Brandon Rogers, but I'm officially over him on American Idol. I thought his first two performances were fine, but he was lucky to make it through. He's a good singer and he's from Dallas so I was hoping he'd shine a little. Well last night he really screwed himself over. I was really disappointed and had to fast forward through most of his performance. It was that bad. I didn't even want to know what the judges said. And even worse for him, Melinda Doolittle hit another one out of the park right after him. She is just amazing. I watched her performance three times! I agree with Simon saying the quality of her and LaKisha are far superior to the other contestants. I don't agree, though, that Jordin's song put her in the running with the other two girls. I mean, did I hear the same performance they did? I thought she was fine, but really flat and she sounded so nervous, especially on her last note. Definitely not up to par with the other girls, and I'm not buying that she's so awesome because she's 17. If anyone has heard Christina Aguilara when she was 17, Jordin is not nearly as impressive. Overall I'm pretty much decided that Melinda should win. Hopefully she'll gain a little confidence and not look so shocked everytime someon says she's a good singer. Come on! She KNOWS she's a good singer! Sanja HAS TO GO and so do most of the rest of them because I'm not impressed! I hate to be so negative, but have all the top 12 been this bad before? Is it just me??

Melinda  – (March 14, 2007 2:46 PM)  

Danny and I couldn't even watch it last night, it was so bad! I am very disapointed with this year's top 12. Most of them stink. I'm hoping something will change, and they'll get better.

Missy  – (March 16, 2007 9:42 AM)  

Yeah, I DVR it and just watch the ones I want to see. It's so bad, isn't it??

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