Hang On...
It's 7pm here and I swear it feels like it's 4:00, it's way too light outside! Of course, it really feels like it should be 9pm because I am EXHAUSTED. Never go to the zoo during spring break, it was insane! But we all had a great time. I wish Randi could have stayed longer, she and Mary were so cute together. Thanks for tagging along with us, Randi! And thanks, too, to Damaris for being such a huge help with all the kids and who didn't seem to mind when she was holding Benjamin and asked if he had sat in something wet. No, it was his diaper. Ah well, the joy of having kids and getting covered in pee! Anna and Tommy did great (well until Tommy started slurping ketchup through a straw at Dairy Queen) but to get that far in the day with no major disasters was a great feat! Thanks for the outing, Mom, we owe you!
OH, and we'll all be sure and post pics as soon as we can. Suzy got some great ones!
The zoo was fun with everyone. I am sorry that we could not stay longer either but I am glad that you all had a good time!
Ahhh...I almost forgot about the ketchup! That was gross! We need to go again sometime soon!