Friend test bandwagon!

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I had to edit my test because I didn't put an answer for one of the questions so it was saying John got it wrong when he actually got it right. Randi probably got it right, too! So here it is again in all it's glory. Good luck! (I'm sure you're so excited) And if you already took it you might have to take it again, it didn't reset the test. Oh well!
It was rigged!!!!!
I took it twice, actually 3 times if you count Danny, so I could figure out the answers! Sorry, Missy, but this one was hard! I still don't know which one I got wrong the second time!
It's because I didn't put an answer selection for one of the questions so no matter what, everyone will get that one wrong. it was the question about Ben's baby name if he was a girl. Hate for you guys to have to do it again! But I made it kind of hard on purposse! :)
Wow, those questions were hard. Yikes, I feel like I don't even know you anymore.
Okay, I somehow submitted my quiz twice. Missy, is there a way that you can delete one of them or that I can.
I obviously don't know anything about your entertainment preferences, because I got them all wrong. pbbbbbttt! And I think you're question about D Magazine was tricky, because it's actually D Magazine Custom Publishing that you work for, right?
Well, actually Mandie, you're wrong there too. Wow, does ANYONE know me anymore?!? I work for Patience Publishing, which is a new company started by the owner of D magazine and the editor of People Newspapers. It's the new job I started last year when I left Custom Publishing. It was on the blog!
Oh, and Texas, I couldn't get it to delete your duplicate, but it's all good!
Well, I totally suck. I guess I shouldn't have taken this test first thing in the morning after only about 5 hours of sleep in the early stages of daylight savings time. Is that a good enough excuse? I really did know the answer to two of the ones I got wrong, but I wasn't thinking straight.....
OK, so I took it again, but I didn't mean for my results to post the second time. Sorry!