
Here are some photos from the last couple of weeks of Ben. The first ones are his "daddy hair style" that we've been giving him lately. He looks so adorable with his hair done like John's. I'll get a pic of the two of them together on Sunday in their church duds for sure! Doesn't he look like a 5-year old or something? The ones of Ben outside are from Saturday. Me and Ben went to the Forest Hill logo launch celebration and easter egg hunt. After seeing the mass of kids waiting to hunt eggs, that was out of the question for Ben, but he'll be fine next year. It was super windy and really dusty there so Ben was about done by the time I took him over to the petting zoo. He's not a big fan of grass anyway, but sure did enjoy looking at the animals and holding on to the fence! And is it just me, or do these two sets of photos look like completly different kids? I may send one of the first ones into the Good Morning America baby photo contest. What do you all think?

Melinda  – (March 26, 2007 5:35 PM)  

He looks so different when he smiles! I like the first picture, it's really cute, and so is the hair!

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