Ben's 12-month Stats

Ben had his 12-month appointment this morning. He usually does pretty well at the doctor, but he was not enjoying himself today. He was tired and hungry and the shots just sent him completely over the edge. But once we got out of the room, he was good and ready for a nap. He is 32 1/2" tall and weighs 27.25 lbs. He's off the chart for height and in the 97-100% for weight and his head (which is 19cm). It was fun to see Aubrey Gee and three of her kids there too, what a small world! (Except that I called Kelsey KYLIE instead and felt really dumb, sorry Aubrey!) Anyway. That's Ben's 1-year update for anyone intersted!

Melinda  – (May 30, 2007 3:11 PM)  

What a big boy! Literally! Tommy weighs 32 pounds, and he's 2 years older!

randivon  – (May 31, 2007 1:40 AM)  

I looked back on his 9 months info and it does look like he is starting to slow down... at least in his growing. His pictures are so cute! I was just looking at the party pictures again and he is just adorable!

Aubrey  – (May 31, 2007 8:18 AM)  

Hey Missy! No big deal on the name thing! I can't remember my own kids half the time, let alone other kids! Besides, I think you've met Kelsey a grand total of 2 times, so you've got a good excuse. Ben is such a cutie! I can't believe he and Mary are a year old. Weird!

Ginny  – (May 31, 2007 9:56 PM)  

Looks like Gideon may get a run for his money!

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