
As most of you already know, we had to move Ben's party from the park to Mom's house. I was really sad this morning. We'd spent so long planning his party, but I guess it was just meant to be this way. I'm not sure if we're more sad over our really fun party we had plan getting washed out or that we lost the money we spent to rent the pavillion! It's all good though. We had a GREAT time anyway! Thanks to everyone that drove all the way there to join us, it was a good time and we're happy to have such good friends and family. Here are the photo highlights! (Special thanks to Paul for letting us borrow his camera!) I will post more later that we took with our camera.

randivon  – (May 26, 2007 8:55 PM)  

Those pictures turned out great! Thanks for inviting us Missy! We had a really good time... and the food was great!

Elder and Sister Dunn  – (May 28, 2007 8:31 PM)  

It is too bad you that the rain ruined your party plans. It still looks like you all had a great time though. I especially love the pictures of Ben eating his cake!

Nikki  – (June 04, 2007 10:09 AM)  

Awww, what cute pictures! It looks like everyone had a great time, and Ben is just as cute as ever. I'm really sad that I missed it--I would have really liked to have been there!

Scuba Steve  – (June 07, 2007 5:37 PM)  

The pictures make me want cake...

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All images on my blogs are © 2009 Missy Saunders Photography and Design. Please do not use without my permission.

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