Harry Potter Theme Park

I was quite dismayed at Sunday dinner at Mom's that none of the von Bose's, sworn Harry Potter fans, knew about the Harry Potter Theme Park they are building at Universal in Florida. So I dug up some pictures on the web of it for everyone to enjoy. I know it's completely dorky, but I'd really love to go. I have a little bit of Potter-fever because of the book and movie coming out. I'm so excited! It's my theory that Harry definitely can't die now, because how creepy would it be to visit a theme park for books that's main character died? I mean, you can't have a theme park without characters walking around and would that be odd to have a Harry when he's dead in the end? I really have put WAY too much thought into it, I know. Anyway, you can click on the photos for bigger versions. The first is the owl-eye view of the park, the second is Hogwart's and the third is Hogsmead! Cool, huh?

Gabby  – (June 25, 2007 6:01 PM)  

I had heard about this, but didn't know it was at Universal in Florida. I've always wanted to go to that theme park (didn't make it when I was in Orlando two Christmases ago), and now even more incentive. Harry Potter dorks unite!

Melinda  – (June 26, 2007 10:15 AM)  

Very cool! I didn't know that they were building this! I am so excited about the book and the movie! More for the book than the movie, though. I don't think Harry is going to die in the last book. He just can't! That would mean that Voldemort would live, because the Prophecy says, that they both can't live at the same time. One must kill the other! Okay, I'm taking liberties with that, but that's what I think. Oh, and I have a theory about who R.A.B. is from the last book. If you're interested, I'll share it with you.

Missy  – (June 26, 2007 11:59 AM)  

Hello!? RAB is Sirius' brother, Regalus Black! I think Jo has even eluded to the fact that many mysteries of the 6th book were figured out quicker than she thought they would be. But I could be COMPLETELY wrong. John and I are still debating what to do about the book release because we can't take Ben to the midnight release and so one of us will have to go alone which is no fun! We definitely want to get it and read it FAST so that we won't get spoiled! I say we have a family reunion in Florida in a few years!

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