More Sad News From 1st Ward

Jenny Grundberg (Housley) called me last Sunday to let me know that choir practice was cancelled because her mom had had surgery the Friday before and went into cardiac arrest. She was in ICU not doing so well. I got a call from our compassionate service leader last night telling me they're posptponing the baby shower for a less-active on Saturday morning because that's when Jenny's mom's funeral will be. She passed away yesterday. It's so sad! I just wanted to let those of you know who know Jenny and her family to keep them in your prayers. Brother and Sister Housley were in the 3rd or 4th ward, I'm not certain. John and I are probably going to the funeral so if anyone wants funeral time I'll let you know as soon as I hear.

Ginny  – (June 23, 2007 8:30 PM)  

Rod & Cindy Housley have been good friends with the von Bose's for about 40 years. Jared's oldest sister Vicky was instrumental in introducing them both to the church when all of them were high school juniors. Rod & Cindy were a great match and always fun to be around and will be sorely missed.

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