President Martino

Mom sent out an email yesterday saying that President Martino had passed away in South Africa. For those of you that don't know him, he used to be the temple president, had known Mom and Dad for years, and sealed me and John in the temple for time and all eternity on January 4, 2003. I honestly don't remember a lot of what he told us that day, but I remember he was really funny and I was thrilled that he was there, considering I had called him only a couple of days before to see if he could make it. He was excited to be able to seal one of Bill's daughters and made a special trip to the temple for us before he left for Utah that afternoon. We will keep his family in our prayers, but it sounds as though he was on a wonderful vacation with his family and spent his last days with the people he loved. John and I will always have a special place in our hearts for him!

Frank Martino — Denton Record-Chronicle

Melinda  – (June 12, 2007 1:04 PM)  

Yes, he will be missed. He knew Danny's parents really well, so it meant a lot when he sealed me and Danny almost 7 years ago.

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