
Yesterday I got a call from John telling me that his brother, Mark, had been broken into and robbed for the second time at his place next to Pool Chlor. Apparently, Mark nearly walked in on the guy because he left behind a duffel bag full of stuff and there is a shoulder indent in his back door and many neighbors witnessed a guy running down the street with stuff in his hands. He made off with Mark's laptop, his new digital camera and most of his handguns, among other things. This guy had guns clearly at his disposal and if Mark had actually seen him you never know what might have happened. Obviously the intruder didn't want any trouble because he took off, which we're grateful for! Luckily all of Mark's guns that were the nicest and most expensive were in the duffel bag that the guy wasn't able to take. Needless to say, Mark is looking for a new place. We're just happy that Mark has insurance and that he and his rooommates were all unharmed!

Melinda  – (June 14, 2007 9:34 AM)  

Yikes! Hopefully, he'll find a much better place!

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Stealing is mean!