Rain Rain Go Away!
I'll preface this by saying that I am grateful we've gotten so much rain. We really need it and it's kept the temperatures down, which is so nice. But at this point, I just want the rain to stop! The past 3 days I've had to drive to or from work in torrential downpours and it scares the heck out of me! This morning I couldn't see 20 feet in front of me, and all of the high water really is scary. I mean, the Trinity in Dallas is more of a lake now than a river. I've never seen anything like it. I wish I could find some pleasure in having this much rain, but I also want to be safe when I'm driving! So I'm done with it. I want the sunny summer sky back now!
I know what you mean! Well, not exactly. I've been thinking about you having to drive all the way to Dallas and back in this awful rain. I am just tired of having soggy feet and wet jeans! It seems like it starts POURING as soon as I need to leave for visiting teaching, or dinner with Kay, or whatever. I just want dry feet! Is that so much to ask?
I love what it's done for my lawn! But, I would love to have just ONE day where is was dry and sunny so that everything could dry out! We have a swimming pool so tantalizingly close, but we haven't been able to take advantage of it! The bottom of my backyard, near the alley, is a huge, swampy puddle right now. It's kind of gross! I do love the temperature, though!
Well, as a mother with a newborn with a husband out of town, I find the rain comforting and cozy. It makes running errands difficult, but at least its not freakin' hot.
So I say bring it on!
I know what you mean about the Trinity. Jared & I were in Dallas for a couple of days (celebrating our anniversary) and it looks like the Mississippi going through downtown--scary and amazing. PS Priceline rocks!