So You Think You Can Dance

I may sound like a total dork again but here goes... John has class M-Thur from 8-10pm and it gets a little quiet at our house after Ben is asleep. The time to clean up and watch a little tv is nice most of the time, but a lot of time I'm just bored and wish John was home. Then Wednesday rolls around and by the time I get home I am SO excited that SYTYCD is coming on! Mandie asked me the other day if I had any favorites. It's so hard to choose because they are all really amazing. Here are pics of my top 3 couples so far. I'm sure this will change after tonight! If you're not watching this show already you should be!

Lacey and Kameron

Sara and Jesus

Danny and Anya

randivon  – (June 27, 2007 4:54 PM)  

You are not a dork. I do the same thing. CJ has scouts on Wednesday and by about 4:30, I start getting really excited for "my show" to be on. I, due to dumbness on my part, have missed the last two wednesday night and have only been able to get the catch up on thursday. So, I do not have any favorites yet but tonight I am so excited to be home and watch a dancing night. Wahoo!

Missy  – (June 27, 2007 5:15 PM)  

If you need a reminder I'll call you! It's so great, you can't miss it! I think you can watch videos of the performances online (don't quote me on that) so the three I posted are definitely worth watching!

Unknown  – (June 28, 2007 9:39 AM)  

Hok and his partner (name?) last night were AMAZING! I started crying the minute the music started. That one goes to the top of my favorite dance list.

What do you think about the Jesse drama?

Missy  – (June 28, 2007 9:49 AM)  

I'm not a big fan of Jesse. I thought her solo last week was more of a strip tease than actually dancing. I won't be sad if she's not well enough to dance a solo tonight. I feel bad that she's sick and hopefully she'll be okay, I just won't miss her. I loved Hok and what's her name too. I did think, though, that they criticized that other guy for only having his style in their contemporary routine to mask the fact that he wasn't dancing contemporary, but then Hok wasn't dancing jazz either really. Granted, I'd choose what Hok and her did over the other one ANY DAY. It really was great. I watched it three times!

Melinda  – (June 28, 2007 11:33 AM)  

My favorite is Jesus and his partner. Danny and I both look forward to this show every week. Mainly because it's the only good thing on, but it's also very entertaining! I think all of them are amazing dancers! They make "Dancing with the Stars" look bad! Oh, our other favorite show is "The Lot". It's a great show! You should check it out!

Unknown  – (June 28, 2007 11:41 AM)  

I like the Lot too, but the host(ess) is SO ANNOYING.

Missy  – (June 28, 2007 3:00 PM)  

I like On The Lot, too. My favorite director so far is Zach. I just don't know where they come up with all of those movie ideas so fast! I do agree with Mandie. The hostess is SO annoying. If the show comes back next year, I'm sure she won't be with it...

randivon  – (June 28, 2007 10:18 PM)  

I am sooo glad you all watch some of the reality TV that I do. Each week CJ and I have the same discussion about why I like reality TV. I do not know why... I just do! Anywho, tonights SYTYCD was interesting. I was surprised but it was probably good. ;-)

Missy  – (June 29, 2007 3:35 PM)  

I'm with you, Randi. I was a little surprised, especially because it was such a quick blunt cut. I felt sorry for Jesse, but she should know she needs to drink WATER! And you know, I guess I don't like ALL reality TV, but things like that are just captivating! I'm always captivated by things I know I could never do!

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