So You Think You Can.... What?
For those of you who missed last night's episode, there was a brief display (no pun intended) of very inappropriate behavior by Mr. Benji Schwimmer himself. He did his little dance and it was great yadda yadda then he finishes with a quick drop of his pants to reveal sequined American flag briefs. Not boxers, which may have been a little less stupid, but briefs! I mean, this is a return missionary who should set an example or whatnot but he goes the cheap road. Mandie called me right after because she was shocked. I thought it was stupid and completely negated his good dancing. John said he'll be lucky to get a good Mormon girl to marry him now. And THEN I go to his myspace and he has half nekkid pics of himself in his photo album there, too! All in all, I lost a little respect for him and really hope his sister doesn't follow suit.
I missed it, I was at a RS party, but I guess I'm glad I did! That's so sad. He was such a good Mormon guy, but the ways of the world have tarnished him. Too bad.
I remember Nigel commenting several times last year about the other guys in the competition always taking off their shirts and how he thought that it was unappropriate and unnecessary and he always mentioned that Benji could entertain without having to do that and then what does he go and do? Loser.
I'm thinking Benji needed a little jumpstart to his popularity cause it has kind of stalled, and so he did something shocking to get people talking. That makes it even worse. I could go on and on... I'm just SO mad at him!
I missed it...thankfully. That is really tacky. Even if he wasn't LDS it's pretty tacky.
I don't know why when people begin to gain popularity they start acting up. It is almost like being popular gives them a high and in order to regain or maintain that high they have to do something even crazier than before.