It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
I know, I know, it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but for some reason this year I've been increasingly excited about the thought of the Christmas season. I mean, I even get a little emotional just thinking about it! Maybe because Ben is older and will have a lot of fun. I'm just really looking forward to decorating and getting a tree. Even though we may not have a lot of money for presents this year, I have a feeling it's going to be great.
Growing up we had a lot of traditions. Opening a present on Christmas Eve, which was usually new jammies, sleeping in my sister Mandie's room waiting for Santa even when we were teenagers. Always leaving either Fowkes' cake of cookies for "Santa," even when we were teenagers. What are some traditions all of you have with your kids? I'd love some ideas on how to make Christmas something to really look forward to!
Every year, for Christmas Eve, we get dressed up in Christmas outfits and go eat dinner at Grandpa's house. Then after dinner, Grandpa has a program prepared to involve everyone who is there. We start with opening prayer, then a message from Grandpa re: family or something of that nature, then we watch Luke II with the Amy Grant song, "Breath of Heaven" playing in the background cuz it goes perfect! Then we watch It's a Wonderful Life every year. Well, it's usually on in the background while we talk and play games. Then Grandma and Grandpa give everyone a pre-Christmas present. Then on Christmas, we are in our Christmas pajamas all day long. (I buy a new one for her every year, so cute!) We open presents at home, then go to the grandparents and it's all so much fun! I'm sure you didn't expect a book, but I LOVE CHRISTMAS! And it's so much more fun when you have a little one to share it with!!!
I LOVE Christmas, too, and I'm getting really excited about it this year, too, for some reason. I am ready to bust out the Christmas music, but I'm resisting, for the time being.
You know our Christmas traditions, because I'm sure I've told you a million times. Some of my favorites are the new pajamas on Christmas eve, gathering as a family to sing Christmas carols and read the Christmas Story out of Luke and then opening presents and enjoying each other's company while eating goodies and trying on our new outfits, trying out new gadgets, etc. Then going to bed and waiting for Santa to come fill our stockings! I swear, I still get excited about that, and I'm not a kid anymore! I just love the family traditions! It's what makes Christmas so special.
I love Christmas! For Josh and I our biggest tradition is how we spend Christmas Eve. Every year on Christmas Eve we go to the Galleria Mall for some window shopping and we always stop at the Godiva store on our way out for some treats. That night we go to Campo Verde for dinner. They always have that place decorated with thousands of lights and at the holidays it's even more insane. Then after dinner we drive around looking at Christmas lights until the boys fall asleep. Then on Christmas morning we open gifts at home, saving the one gift from Santa for the boys for last (usually the thing that they have been really wanting). There are lots of food traditions that we keep. I always make lasagna for Christmas and there is a really good mint/oreo/cheesecake thing that I make every year that is delicious. Then we spend lots of time with family!
I LOVE Christmas!! Last year, I was such a scrooge, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I discovered in early January that I was pregnant. Ahh...the hormones. So, I'm hoping that this Christmas will be WAY better! I'm hosting Christmas Eve with Danny's family, so I'm super excited about that. No driving an hour home from Noel's house at midnight on Christmas Eve! It also gives me an excuse to do more decorating than usual!
Julie, your traditions just made me feel all warm, gooey and Christmasy inside. But there's no way I'd go near a mall on Christmas Eve!
We also do the pajamas & slippers on Christmas Eve, and looking at lights in Highland Park. We've also gone to the Gaylord Hotel for whatever they've got going on each year. The last two years it's been ice sculptures, which are really expensive, we only did that one year. But they also have the neat little train cities set up everywhere with amazing lights and hot chocolate and Santa Claus. The trains and all that is free.
You know what they say...