When it rains it pours.

I thought that was a fitting title for today. It's been kind of an odd few days for us. Mostly because I have been really stressed and a little uneasy just because of things that have happened in the last week or so. I guess it mainly stems from the fact that we didn't get a stimulus check like we were expecting to. I can't tell you how upset it has made me that we're not getting one. We didn't even get a letter explaining why we did or didn't get one. I'm going to try calling the IRS today just to see if I can talk to someone nicer or who might have more information for me.

On top of that the motor on our HVAC stopped working on Saturday night. It wasn't a big deal because it was amazingly cool over the weekend, but let me tell you, last night was pretty miserable. I am thankful for the rain today so that it will be a little cooler. We can't even afford till I get paid next week for someone to come out and look at it because that is NEVER cheap! Until then, we'll be getting a fan or two! Now, if we had gotten a stimulus check we could have it fixed in a heart beat! But I digress...

I'm not usually on to rain on my own parade or anything but it's been an unusually large amount of little things that have gone on that have really bothered me. I'm not going to let it get me down though. I decided to have a different perspective about things when I got a call from my sister Mandie yesterday about how upset she was because her 11-month old son Carter needs hearing aids. It really made me think about the blessings I have and how even when I feel like Heavenly Father is letting Satan pick on me a little more than I deserve, that I should be truly grateful that I have a wonderful family and a perfect little son and that, for now, we don't have to endure trials like Mandie will face.

So even though we didn't get a stimulus check, we'll just work extra hard on budgeting, and even though our HVAC isn't working, imagine how much lower our electric bill will be this month! I guess there's a bright side to every dark cloud. I should really just try to remember that more often.

Elder and Sister Dunn  – (May 14, 2008 12:20 PM)  

Satan must be hard at work this week. I was pretty stressed this morning as well but thankfully focusing on work has helped.

Best of luck with getting you HVAC fixed. I am sure it will be a few rough nights, but will be all over soon. Maybe you can make an icecream run when you start to get hot:)

Nikki  – (May 14, 2008 2:11 PM)  

I'm sorry all those little things keep going wrong! I know it's frustrating, and it sure can make it hard to stay positive. It's good that you are counting your blessings, though. I hope you get a good answer about your tax incentive check and that you can get all those other things taken care of soon.

If you need anything, let me know!

Melinda  – (May 14, 2008 6:27 PM)  

I got my letter today explaining everything, so the fact that you didn't makes me wonder. I'm sorry about your AC. That REALLY sucks, but just be glad that it's not August! Satan must be having a hey-day! I've been having some "why me?" issues lately, too. Good luck!

Mubeen  – (May 14, 2008 6:46 PM)  

Thanks for your post Missy. You have no idea how much I needed to read what you wrote. I'm sorry things have been so rough. I can relate in different ways. If you ever just need to vent or a shoulder to cry on, I'm always here for you. xoxo

Mubeen  – (May 14, 2008 6:47 PM)  

PS. I like your blog list and how it tells when people updated their blog last!!

Jenny  – (May 14, 2008 9:40 PM)  

It's so hard to stay positive when it feels like the everything bad's happening at once! I'm so sorry you're having a tough week. I have a TON of fans if you want me to bring a few over!

Ginny  – (May 15, 2008 11:32 AM)  

Maybe you should making a list of all the good things that happen too--start looking for them and you'll be surprised! Of course, one good thing is that you have 4 great sisters--you can start there!

Unknown  – (May 15, 2008 1:02 PM)  

You really are blessed! But sometimes life just sucks and its okay to be upset about it.

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