Bragging on my babies
Since they're all I really blog about anymore I though I'd give you a few little updates on Ben and Shelby.
1. Still hasn't gotten a hair cut since Shelby was born. It's getting REALLLY long. We weren't planning on cutting it till after Halloween because of what he wanted to be.
2. Broke the screen on our front door yesterday from running into it (after I told him three times not to touch the door). It might have been funny if I wasn't so mad.
3. Was absolutely THE BEST Harry Potter for Halloween this year. He LOVES dressing up. I have a feeling Halloween will be one of our more elaborate holidays because of him.
4. Can count to 100.
5. Can count to 100 by 10s.
6. Finally sleeps till 7:30am every morning. This is a vast improvement from the 5:30-6:30 he was doing for a few months!
7. Has a hard time listening to Mommy. I think his awesome superiority complex is hindering his ability to listen and obey (see #2).
8. Loves the Rangers. Wears his Rangers hat every single day.
9. Calls the Yankees the Stankees.
10. Can read quite a few words and spell words in rhyming sequences (big, dig, rig, cat, hat, mat).
1. Can ALMOST sit up independently. Ben didn't sit up till almost 8 months!
2. She can go from back to knees and hands pretty quickly, but still tips over when she's sitting upright for an extended period of time.
3. She's a consistent napper and sleeps best in her own bed. Great when we're at home, not so great when we're out (or at a babysitter).
4. Is eating baby food, but still prefers rice cereal over any other fruit or vegetable (exactly how Ben was).
5. Talks ALL the time. Ma ma ma ma, da da da da, ba ba ba ba, ga ga ga ga. Ga ga is my favorite. She LOVES when you mimic her!
6. Has no teeth.
7. Has the chunkiest thighs I have seen in my entire life. And I've seen some chunky thighs!
8. Was a pink skeleton baby for Halloween but I didn't get a very good picture of her. I want to take a new picture of her in her costume but I'm afraid it won't fit her since I already washed it.
9. LOVES John. Like has no eyes for me when he's home. I honestly don't mind!
10. She loves to play peekaboo. I'll find her wrapped in her play mat waiting for me to peekaboo. And if she finds a burp rag or one of her shirts on the floor she'll immediately grab it and put it over her face. I really don't know if she does it on purpose but she get SO excited when you find her!
Here's a pic of Ben as the best Harry Potter ever!
Great Harry Potter! But why didn't you give him green contacts? :)
Wow, he really is a fantastic Harry Potter! And it sounds like Shelby is very advanced for her age. The whole peek-a-boo thing, I don't think E started initiating that until almost a year!
Ben makes and awesome Harry Potter. Totally worth going without a haircut.
Um, we had this conversation....his hair is so gorgeous! The flip he does to get it out of his eye is perfect. Don't cut it. Trim if you must :) So good to see you all the other day!
I have to agree with you, Missy, Ben did make the best Harry Potter! Ken was also very impressed! I just love the addition of the scar. It completed the costume!