Busy season + photographer + Christmas + 2 kids + home improvement = NO TIME!!
I've neglected my blog. But I really need to document a few of Shelby's milestones here for fear of never writing them down and forgetting them completely!
Shelby started sitting up a few weeks ago, right at about 7 months. Then BAM a week ago she started crawling!
She got her first two teeth on bottom. Both within a week's time of each other. She is now back to her awesome sleeping self. MAN this girl is a good sleeper!
I've starting paring her down to 2 naps (she's been taking 3 a day!) So now she takes 2 almost 2-hour naps a day. It's AWESOME.
Ben, on the other hand keeps growing and growing. He's grown an inch and a half since September! We still haven't cut his hair either. It's looking pretty awesomely bad!
He also saw his first naked Barbie today while playing at a friends' house. He was completely enthralled by this naked barbie! Oh boy....
So how are you guys doing?
Naked Barbie...hilarious!