Day 5 - Your siblings

Okay, this is my entire immediate family. But it's the most recent pictures (as in January) of everyone. This doesn't happen very often that we're all together, but it worked out this time around! Thanks to everyone cooperating and making sure we were all there, even if it was only for about 30 minutes.

So there are 40 people in this picture. The sisters are numbered from oldest to youngest Ginny, Suzy, Mandie, Melinda and Missy. I was going to number off everyone else but decided that would be crazy. But I will name them!

My mom is obviously the person in the middle. She definitely takes rejoicing in your posterity to another level. :)

Ginny is married to Jared. She has five kids: CJ, Carrie, Julie, Chrystal and Gideon. CJ is married to Randi and they have two girls, Mary and Lisa, plus another one on the way (the little peanut brings the number to 40). Julie is engaged to Tenok. Chrystal is married to Jonathan and they have baby Cecily.

Suzy is married to Paul. They have three kids: Kenny, Tiffany and Kile. Kenny is married to Texas and they have one boy, Carson. Tiffany is married to Abe and they have two boys, Luke and Bryan. Kile is married to Damaris.

Mandie is married to Brian. They have three kids: Abby, Carter and Andrew.

Melinda is married to Danny. They also have three kids: Anna, Tommy and Eddie.

Missy is married to John (duh). We have two kids: Ben and Shelby.

So there you have it!

Jalei & Lane  – (January 26, 2011 9:34 PM)  

I can't believe Julie is engaged to Tenok! That's great!

Jenny  – (January 27, 2011 10:22 AM)  

Gorgeous family, lady. I can't believe I only know 2 of your siblings. I thought i knew more for some reason...

Julie{isCocoandCocoa}  – (January 27, 2011 4:45 PM)  

What a wonderful picture! It's fun to see everyone all together.

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