All About Shelby
I'm not sure I was very good at recording where Ben was developmentally when he was a baby so I'll try and do that more with Shelby!
1. Shelby is 10 months old! Seriously! SERIOUSLY? Where does the time go??
2. She crawls, stands, cruises from object to object. She's not walking yet and perfectly happy with crawling, but I would expect she will walk around 11 months like Ben did (and Ben didn't crawl till he was almost 9 months old. Heck, he didn't even sit up till 8 months!)
3. She babbles constantly. My favorite thing is when she is crawling around the house to find me I can hear her going Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma till she finds me!
4. She thinks Ben is HILARIOUS. This is adorable, yet somewhat irritating because Ben does crazy antics to make her laugh and will not stop even if Shelby isn't laughing anymore.
5. She will have nothing to do with being spoon fed. She'll only eat something if she can pick it up and put it in her mouth herself. Ben was completely opposite. I couldn't get him to pick up a piece of food till he was 11 months old! Shelby will eat almost anything. Her favorites are potatoes, beans, carrots, cheese and noodles. Ben to this day won't eat beans or potatoes. She does NOT like bananas (my sister Ginny will be so proud).
6. After her bout with bronchitis she got in some bad habits of waking up 3 or 4 times a night hungry. We were dealing with it and trying to decide whether or not we should let her cry it out because her and Ben share a room. So one night last week she'd been fed, changed, given Ibuprofen for her teeth and gas drops and yet she still woke up screaming her head off around 11:30pm. I told John there was nothing else I could do for her except give her a bottle and put her back to sleep. So we let her cry. I think she cried for almost an hour (maybe longer) before she finally went back to sleep and we had Ben sleep on the couch. The next night she slept 100% through the night. There were a couple of other times where she woke up crying but for the most part she's done GREAT. And I can sleep all night again!
7. She takes two 2-hr naps a day. Or one 2-hr and one 1-1/2 hr. Either way it's great!
8. She wears 18 month tops and 12 month bottoms, just like Ben did. Long torso, short legs!
9. She will no longer let me put headbands on her. I'm so sad about this because she kind of had a signature look and people actually expected to see her in one all the time. But now she just pulls them off. I can't wait for her hair to grow in so I can just clip her flowers on! We may buzz her head like we did with Ben. I know, aren't we crazy!?
10. She still loves playing peekaboo. She'll use any object to do it, a book, blanket, shirt. My mom thinks it's funny when she puts books over her head to play peekaboo. I think it's so cute!
11. She has two teeth on bottom and two teeth on top. The top ones have taken FOREVER and the right front tooth kept going back into her gums and out again. Her incisors are on their way to coming in, too and I'm sure her canines are not far behind.
12. She screams a lot when she wants something. I'm trying to start doing sign language with her but so far she just stares at me!
13. She's starting to use objects for their intended purpose. Like she picks up Ben's hat and tries to put it on her head. She tries to drink out of the cups he leaves laying around and she takes shirts and holds them up to her body. It's so fun to see her making connections.
14. We went to the park for the first time yesterday since it's been SO COLD. Shelby is almost impossible to take to the park because she wants to eat everything she finds. So of course she tries to eat all of the mulch at the park. And spit up all over me. We'll try the baby swings next time, but I thought she still might be too small for those...
15. She likes to search for snacks in my purse. She always finds them (usually in a snack bag) and tries to eat through the bag.
16. She is poopy seriously like 5 times a day now. I blame it on the food she eats. See #5. I'm sure the beans have nothing to do with it.
17. Okay one more so I don't end with poop! When she laughs she inhales and exhales really dramatically. I will have to get this on video because it's hard to explain, but it's so cute. Her eyes also squint into tiny slits when she laughs or smiles big so her eyes disappear. She's SO CUTE!