Day 18 - Something you regret
One thing I REALLY regret is that I don't take enough pictures of my kids. I was reading this post from Ashley Ann and it made me feel like the hugest, lamest lump of a photographer mom I could possibly be. I'm totally inspired by her to just SHOOT and not worry about quality, just get quantity or I will regret it even more in a few years. So that's my goal from this point on. To just take pics of my kids anytime. And to make an album a year of them. I think it's a fantastic idea and there's no reason I shouldn't do it!
Seriously, read her post. It'll make you feel like crap but it'll also make you want to take more pictures. Even if you're not a photographer, just do it!
Oh, and did you know Costoco members automatically get 20% off MyPublisher albums? I've never bought one there before, but I just might!
I do this! I print my blog into a book every year using Blurb. That is why I post a ridiculous amount of pictures and content nobody else would really care to read, but it is for ME and MY family!! I love going back to read simple little things like what Kelly liked to eat for breakfast and his favorite words/things/songs during a specific time.
My books are some of my most precious things. You know the cliche question 'what would you grab if your house was on fire?' well....there ya go!
Also, I have only ever used blurb because it slurps your entire blog (content and photos) plus is adds the date and time you posted whic for somereason I like, but MyPublisher sends me deals everyday via email, so if you use them and it is good, do share! Blurb has great quality books though. I did one thru Snapfish and was not pleased with the quality.
Do it now while you only have two. We were great with the first two, but have gone down hill since. The books are great too. We have them for the older ones.