Shelby's 9-month Stats
I'll get back to the regularly scheduled 30-day posts one of these days, but for now here are Shelby's 9-month stats:
Height: 30-1/2" above 95th
Weight: 21.25lbs 70-90th
Head: 17 (and something inches) 50th
For comparison here are Ben's 9-month stats.
She's gone through a rough couple of months, meaning it's been a rough couple of months for us. She randomly started waking up during the night, waking up early, not taking good naps. She's getting in 4 front teeth so I attributed it to that. Then she came down with bronchitis and there was one night she only slept for MAYBE 3 hours. A week of breathing treatments and antibiotics later she's much better. But now she's back to waking up furiously hungry during the night. I don't know what's up. Growth spurt? The teeth still? All I know is I'm tired!! She woke up 4 times last night.... We're going to make Ben sleep on the couch for a few nights and see if we can get her to cry it out to get her sleeping through the night again. Major downfall of having them share a room!
I'll leave you with one picture!
So cute!!
And, it gives me hope that maybe someday, Cecily will like bath-time. She's just getting to the point where she doesn't scream through the whole ordeal.