Shelby's Current Favorites

1. Cars 2. She LOVES anything to do with Cars the movie. She plays with the cars all day and she says Cars 2 (by rolling the two like you roll your r's). It's the strangest thing but a-freakin-dorable!

2. Her blanket. She has two of the same blanket and has to have them all the time. In the car. On the couch. Playing on the floor. And if I don't hide one then she wants both at the same time. It's a little ridiculous sometimes! She sleeps with her blanket next to her head and she rubs it on her ear till she falls asleep. She'll even do that when she's snuggling with me on the couch watching a movie when she's tired.

3. Her pacifier. It's just about time to get rid of it, but since we've waited so long it's only going to make it harder on her and us. But I mean when she'll just come lay on you with her blanket and pacifier and is perfectly content snuggling it's hard to take that away. If she's without it she even walks around going "Where patter? Where patter? Oh dere is!" when she finds it. Right now she just realized she didn't have it in her mouth and is running around with her blanket going "Patter?!! Where PATTER??!!!" We have created a monster!

4. The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That and Curious George. They're her two favorite TV shows (besides maybe Mickey Mouse). It's funny how much she picks up on these shows. When Cat in the Hat comes on she goes "It's hat!" During Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when they ask for Toodles she goes "Where toodles? Oh dere is!" It's so cute.

5. Her Daddy. She's always been super concerned about where John is at all times. She is still very much that way still! In the morning the first thing she asks me when I go get her out of bed is "Where Daddy?" If I put her down and don't say anything she knows he's still home and runs straight to find him. If I say he's at work she pouts and goes "Daddy work? Work?" like I'm just kidding and he is going to appear at any minute.

6. No! It's mine! She chased her cousin up and down the hallway at my mom's house on Sunday going "No! It's mine! No! It's mine!" Funny...and yet not...

7. Thank you! Your welcome! Bless you! She's said "tay too" for a long time but has added "you welcome!" to her repertoire recently and will even say besshyou when you sneeze! It's really freaking cute (as you can imagine!)

 8. Pooping. She poops so much it's ridiculous. That's about all I'll say about that.

9. Hugs. She will hug pretty much anyone I ask her to hug. It takes like 10 minutes to leave anywhere because she wants to hug everyone! We kind of encourage it, especially when it's family members, but the other day I was at a friend's house and she insisted on hugging everyone before we left.

10. Screaming. This is my least favorite of all of them. Even more than pooping (even in the bathtub). She screams when Ben has something she wants. She screams when Ben touches her. She screams when I'm on the phone. She screams for no reason when she's playing. She screams in her cart at the store. She just screams and screams. I have no idea how to stop her and even giving her the pacifier doesn't make her stop!

She also loves going to the park and screams and screams when we have to go home. Hopefully she will get better with that! This is from a couple weeks ago at our favorite park that no one ever plays at but us! Lots of little nature trails, swings and that's about it. But it's always vacant so who needs a slide when there aren't 20 other kids to fight over them with?

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