Medical Update

I had a doctor's appointment this morning with my OB for my normal check-up. Everything was fine and I'm progressing normally right along with my due date. Unfortunately, since I have the elevated MSAFP level, starting at 32 weeks I will go to the specialist for a weekly Biophysical Profile. During this test the doctor will check Ben's bone movements and muscle tone. He'll also check his diaphragm movement and amiotic fluid level.

If anything comes back abnormal, it means the baby could be under stress and may need to be delivered early. My doctor doesn't think there's a large chance that could happen to me, but since Ben was cleared for Spina Bifida and Down Syndrome, the levels were elevated for a reason and they want to be cautious. This only really stinks for work because my last month of pregnancy I'll be going to the doctor twice a week, once to my OB and then again to the specialist. Hopefully everything will turn out okay!

*UPDATE: I forgot to say that as March 20th, Ben weighs 2 pounds 13 ounces and is almost a week ahead of what my due date is. There's no way I'm having this baby in June!

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