MORE teeth...

Ben has been super cranky today and is not interested in napping. I thought it might be his teeth bothering him so I got out the Orajel to lather up his gums. It turns out one of his molars is halfway in on his right side and the molar on the left is nearly poked through as well, as well as his bicuspids which have been working their way out for about a month. So needless to say, we have a very cranky kid, but I would be too if I had that many teeth coming in at once. In a few weeks he's going to look more and more like a big kid with all of those teeth, but I wouldn't even try to pin him down and take pictures!

That's about all I've got as an update. John will be home soon from working a very long day at the meat market, but says he's bringing some home, yum! Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll make it to see Harry Potter, but I'm practically counting down the hours till the book comes out on Friday!

randivon  – (July 15, 2007 2:45 AM)  

That is so amazing! When I was watching him, my niece, Emily commented on the fact that Ben has more teeth than Mary. That is so true and now it is even more true! I am sorry he is having them all cut at one time but hopefully it will be over soon.

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