Fun With Photoshop
So there is a big battle at BISD between Open Office (a free word processing program completely compatible with Microsoft) and Microsoft Office. The entire district switched to Open Office last year only to have complaints drive the school board to make the switch back to Microsoft Office, which costs, well let's just say the number is huge. There have been many blog posts and signs posted around the ad building in an Open vs. Microsoft war. So I made this nifty little Valentine's Day card for the Technology dept to send to the staff. I created the card and my boss wrote the snazzy comment.
Hey, so I added you on my blog. Good to hear from you. Ya, Justin got married I think 2 years ago. He's living in Seattle. Good to see you're doing well. You're little boy is so adorable!
The card is perfect! I'm amazed that you could photoshop Gates like that--well done!
Um, I honestly think it's a little disturbing, but funny!
That's funny. and yeah, disturbing.
Kenny has declared that this is the blog post of the year...and it is only February.