The Magic Diet

So you might notice that I rarely post pictures of myself. I haven't been at the weight I've wanted to be for a couple of years. I know a lot of you can relate to that and doing something about it isn't exactly easy. Life is busy, I have no time to work out, we eat out a lot, I have a habit of finishing what Shelby doesn't eat, I LOVE bread and sugar, I hate running, I love Diet Coke. The reasons as to why I haven't gotten back to "fighting weight" go on and on. But with our vacation looming on the horizon and the fact that I'm going to have to be in pictures with my kids while we are on vacation has given me a complex.

I tried doing Jillian for about a week then got to the point where it was really hurting my knees and I was so tired all day long. And it makes me so hungry! Then I thought I'd just diet and start walking again, but it's way too cold in the morning to take Shelby to the park.

A few months ago (maybe a year ago?) I heard about a diet called the Dukan Diet. I honestly can't even remember where I heard about it but I bought the book, read the first few chapters and decided to try it. What could it hurt right? I mean, in the first week phase of the diet (The Attack Phase) he promises you'll lose 5 pounds!

After one week I had lost 8 pounds. I'm not kidding!

This diet is a protein based diet similar to Atkins or South Beach, but in a much more realistic way. You eat pure protein in the first 7 days. You're limited to lean meats, eggs, and fat free dairy products. No carbs, no sugar, not even fruits or vegetables. BUT you can have diet soda! YAY! It basically drastically cuts your fat content forcing your body to burn fat and keeps away the sugar and carbs that your body hangs on to for so long. It makes sense, but he explains it way better in the book.

Unfortunately for me and my love of bread and sugar, I ended up losing a total of about 12 pounds after going into Phase 2 of the diet and completely stopped and gained most of it back. Awesome, right? Now after a few months of not being able to lose that weight again I decided to start Dukan again and REALLY do the full program as much as I can this time. I did not think it would be as effective as the first time around in the first phase but I was wrong!

I started on Monday and as of this morning I have already lost 8.2 pounds! I'd give you my starting and current weight but then I'd have to kill you. But I promise you, I am most definitely not kidding. It hasn't been as hard in the first week this week because I've been so busy and snacking has been more of an after thought. But I'm determined, now, to keep it going.

I'm posting all of this because if there's anyone out there who wants to try something new that will give you that first burst of weight loss that really helps motivate you then I promise you won't be disappointed. You have to buy the book. You have to do exactly what he says, especially about making sure you drink enough water and take multi-vitamins. I've looked up so many different websites of people who have done it and have had a ton of success with it. Most people lost 5+ pounds in the Attack Phase. Some people lost no weight at all the first week, but then lost once they kept up with it. It's crazy, but so effective! I sound like an infomercial, probably, but I promise you I'm being completely honest. You can even ask John because he watched me weigh myself this morning!

You can find the info here. And you can order the book on Amazon. I just downloaded it on my phone and it's great to have it with me if I'm at the store and can't remember what I can and can't have.

If you try it please let me know! I will try and post updates if and when I have time!

Jami  – (December 08, 2011 9:24 PM)  

Congratulations! That's great. I just finished a short round on my HCG drops as a preventative measure for Christmas. I will do another full round after Christmas. You are brave doing it during the holidays. I don't think I have the will power.

Jalei & Lane  – (December 08, 2011 9:38 PM)  

Good for you! I know it helps when I'm really busy, because I don't snack as much either. But then again, I don't like being super busy ALL the time!

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